「自然而不帶絲毫誇張,技巧純熟,造句清晰,音色明暗與層次都細膩豐富」—— 著名樂評人 周凡夫 《大公報》2016年11月


Hoi Leong Cheong, better known as Zach, is a citizen of Hong Kong and is currently studying with Prof. Gabriel Kwok under a scholarship from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He is a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music and Fellowship Diploma holder of the London Trinity College. He has been featured on South Carolina Public Radio, David Kiser’s On the Keys, playing Mendelssohn’s Variations sérieuses, on Radio Television Hong Kong playing Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu, and several times on Teledifusão de Macau. Most recently, he was awarded the finalist prize in the 2017 Hilton Head International Piano Competition. Read more about him!